ll vulcano di Marinetti: Etna & Futurismo
Mount Etna, the highest and most active volcano in Europe, has always attracted writers from all over the world, as shown in Catasto Magico (1999), in which Italian philologist and literary critic Maria Corti produced a “literary history” of Etna from antiquity to the present day. Her book, however, does not discuss Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and the Futurist movement. The more recent L’imaginaire du volcan (2016), edited by François Sylvos and Marie‐Françoise Bosquet, is likewise silent on the subject. This paper aims, therefore, to fill this gap and to trace the presence of the theme of the volcano and, in particular, of Mount Etna, in Marinetti’s oeuvre, as well as to propose some interpretative hypotheses about the horizon of meaning with which Etna is invested in the futurist production of the writer
Camillo Goggio Lecture
October 24, 2019, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Carr Hall, room 406 100 St. Joseph St University of Toronto
24 Ottobre 2019
8 Settembre 2023
“Poesia oggettuale: fra galleggiamenti e imbustamenti”, in Capodanno Patafisico, Jarry 150 + 1, Milano
L’8-9-10 settembre ci sarà a Milano un evento maestosamente divertente in occasione dei 150anni di Alfred Jarry,…
19 Gennaio 2023
Lectio Magistralis: «Poetica della disabilità», Università di Modica-Messina, Scuola per Assistenti Sociali
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12 Giugno 2021
“Gli spaghetti di Giuseppe Prezzolini” – Food Studies all’italiana – CAIS 2021
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1 Giugno 2021
I racconti del mare. Rappresentazioni del Mediterraneo in Italia dall’800 a oggi (CAIS 2021)
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29 Maggio 2021
Futurismo & Disabilità. Dal cannone al canone estetico di Efesto – American Association for Italian Studies 2021
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1 Aprile 2021
Le memorie della tavola. Anacleto Verrecchia racconta Giuseppe Prezzolini
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